Anti-Spam Policy

Moose Almighty has a ZERO tolerance Spam Policy. We respect the privacy of and are dedicated to protecting the rights of all our users. We vigorously oppose the sending of unsolicited e-messages (Spam) and will make every effort to enforce our strict Anti-Spam Policy.
Moose Almighty does NOT allow anyone to use our products or services for the purpose of sending Spam, nor do we allow our products or services to be referenced in Spam.
We encourage our users to subscribe, comment and participate on the website as long as they abide by our Terms and Conditions and our Anti-Spam Policy. Spam is strictly against our Terms and Conditions.

Definition of Spam.
Spam is ANY and ALL unsolicited email or alternative electronic messages (i.e., a comment on a blog post). Any promotion, information, or solicitation posted on the website not following our Terms and Conditions will be considered spam.

What is Not Spam?
A message is NOT Spam if the recipient directly requested information be sent to them from the sender or the sender’s organization, and that recipient has not subsequently asked for removal from their list.

Spam Filtering.
We use Spam filter software, our messaging systems automatically filter-out messages that appear to be Spam. However, from time to time legitimate messages will be filtered-out by our system, if you believe this has happened to a message you have sent please contact us by other means.

Policy Changes.
We may update this Anti-Spam Policy from time-to-time by posting a new version on our website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes.


If you have any questions about the contents of this page, or you need your user account and data deleted, or simply wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by using the contact form.